Opinion: West Midlands mayor will be one of the most powerful politicians in the country

From the Smiths to the Stone Roses, Oasis to New Order, it produced the most creative and exciting bands in the country.
But some people feel the glory days are over. Manchester’s music scene is a shadow of what it was.
Enter Andy Burnham. He’s a high-profile Labour MP who currently serves as a member of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s Shadow Cabinet.
He’s announced that he wants to be mayor of Greater Manchester. And if he gets the job, he says he’s going to bring Manchester’s music scene back to life.
What does this have to do with us in the West Midlands?
Well, it’s a good illustration of what happens when the position of mayor is created.
They get a lot of formal powers, written down in official documents. That might include the power to make decisions about planning - so that new homes can be built in the region - or control of local bus services, for example.
But whoever gets the job won’t be limited by that.
They’ll use their position to try to achieve whatever goals they set for themselves, bossing around local councils, public services (like local hospitals, for example) and big employers as best they can.
And they’ll be in London on a regular basis, trying to influence the Prime Minister and the Chancellor - and asking for more formal powers too.
West Midlands Metro Mayor election
The Mayor of Greater Manchester doesn’t have any official responsibility for music. But Mr Burnham has decided that he’s going to promote the region’s music scene anyway.
We’re getting our own mayor in the West Midlands. They will become a regional mayor for Birmingham, Solihull, Walsall, Sandwell, Wolverhampton and Coventry, elected in May 2017.A number of other regions are doing the same. They include Liverpool and its neighbours, the North East of England (Newcastle and its neighbours) and others.
But the West Midlands is the largest region of them all, in terms of population size. Our "greater Birmingham" mayor will arguably be the most important in the country, except for the mayor of London.
So let’s hope we have some good candidates. So far, nobody’s confirmed their intention to stand.
But Labour MEP Sion Simon seems likely to give it a go. His first task will be to try to get local Labour activists to select him as a candidate.
And business leader Digby Jones has said he could be tempted.
It’s a good start, because we need impressive people putting themselves forward. The Mayor is going to have a big impact on the region, and they need to be up to the task.

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